Summary Care Records

Summary Care Records
Sharing your medical information – your healthcare, your choice

Your patient record is held securely and confidentially on an electronic system controlled by your GP Surgery.

If you need treatment in another NHS healthcare setting, such as an Emergency Department, Out-of-Hours GP or Minor Injury Unit, the professionals treating you can give you safer care if medical information from your GP Surgery is available to them.

This document explains the different ways your medical information can be shared with those professionals, if you choose to allow this.

Your health information can now be shared electronically through these systems:

1. The Summary Care Record: - Used nationally across England
2. The Oxfordshire Care Summary and the Out-of-Hours GP records sharing system: - Used locally by healthcare professionals in Oxfordshire

In all these cases, your information will be viewed only by authorised healthcare professionals directly involved in your care. You will be asked for your permission before the information is accessed, unless the health professional is unable to ask you and there is an important clinical reason for accessing it.

If you do not want your information shared, we will put an entry on your record which will prevent this. It is important to note that if you make this choice, the health professionals using these systems will not be able to view your health information in an emergency, even if you give them permission to do so at the time.

For more details of these systems, please see overleaf.

A parent or guardian can ask to opt out children aged under 16 but ultimately it is the GP’s decision whether to do this, because their duty of care to the child has top priority. If you care for a child under 16 and feel that they are able to understand this decision, then you should make this information available to them and seek their view.

Please complete the form below and return it to your GP Surgery

It is important to complete and return this form, as your GP cannot make a decision for you. Without your instructions, we cannot guarantee that your wishes will be met, even if you have previously made this choice in another GP Surgery.

FOR PARENTS, GUARDIANS and ATTORNEYS ONLY – If the person identified above is not the patient, please also enter the name and relationship to the patient:
Your Choices
Comparing the different NHS information sharing systems


Out-of-Hours GP Records Sharing Oxfordshire Care Summary Summary Care Record
Access · Only available for patients registered with GP Surgeries located in Oxford (including Kennington)

· The patient’s electronic GP record is shared securely with GPs and clinicians working in the Out-of-Hours (urgent care) GP service, which is provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

· Available across Oxfordshire

· Across health care settings, including urgent care, community care and outpatient departments

· Information is shared with GPs and clinicians working for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford University Hospitals Trust, and South Central Ambulance Trust

· Available across England

· Across health care settings, including urgent care, community care and outpatient departments

· Information is shared with GPs and clinicians working for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford University Hospitals Trust and South Central Ambulance Trust

Information source · Your GP record · Your GP record

· Other medical records held by different NHS organisations in Oxfordshire

· Your GP record
Content · Your current medications

· Allergies and bad reactions you have had to medicines

· A more complete medical history including details of consultations at your GP Surgery

· Test results and X-ray reports

· Your vaccination history

· General health readings such as blood pressure

· Your appointments, hospital admissions, GP out-of-hours attendances and ambulance calls

· Care / management plans

· Correspondence added to your record, such as referral letters, clinic letters and discharge summaries.

· Your current medications

· Allergies and bad reactions you have had to medicines

· A summary of your medical history and diagnoses

· Test results and X-ray reports

· Your vaccination history

· General health readings such as blood pressure

· Your appointments, hospital admissions, GP out-of-hours attendances and ambulance calls

· Care / management plans

· Correspondence such as referral letters and discharge summaries.

· Your current medications

· Allergies and bad reactions you have had to medicines

· Additional information (upon request to your GP) - further information is available here:


*Additional information includes:

- Significant problems (past and present)

- Significant procedures (past and present)

- Anticipatory care information

- End of life care information – as per EOLC dataset ISB 1580

- Immunisations

Further information can be added (upon request to your GP)

For more info visit: · ·




Please note that these systems will be used only for the purpose of improving your personal healthcare. They are not part of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) single database project.
