Patient Access
You can now book and cancel doctors’ appointments as well as renew your repeat prescriptions using the Patient Access online system.
To gain access to the Patient Access online system please bring photographic ID to the practice. Having confirmed your identity, our patient care co-ordinators will be able to issue you with your login details.
What can you do online?
- Book doctors’ appointments
- Manage and cancel appointments
- Order repeat prescriptions
If you would like to access your test results and other parts of your medical record online then please speak to one of our patient care co-ordinators. The practice’s policy is that such requests are reviewed by the medical team to make sure it is safe and appropriate to do so.
Help using Patient Access
If you would like help with using the Patient Access online system, the practice has volunteer Health Champions supporting patients to use the GP online services. Please ask our patient care co-ordinators about their availability.
If you are having problems using Patient Access, there is a very useful help page you can visit at:
Patient Access Mobile App
Download Patient Access for Android