Healthcare advice – Tetum

Favór ida keta uza númeru telefone iha pakote hirak-ne’e. Favór ko’alia ho Ita-boot nia doutór se Ita hakarak informasaun liután ne’ebé bele fó tradusaun ba Tetun.

(Pregnancy information):

Ita-Boot prontu ona ka lae atu sai inan/aman? (Ready for parenthood)

Proteje Ita no Ita-nia bebe (Protecting you and your baby: Blood tests at your first antenatal visit)

Moras Gripe ne’e seriu liu duke hanesan Ita hanoin (Flu is more serious than you think – pregnant women)

Rubeola no feto isin rua – Informasaun importante ba Ita (Rubella and pregnancy – What you need to know)

Epatit B: proteje ita-nia bebe (Hepatitis B in pregnancy)
Hep B Ante Natal leaflet 08_17_TETUM_Final.pdf (

Sifilis: proteje ita-nia bebe (Syphilis: protecting your baby) Syphilis antenatal leaflet_TETUM.pdf (

Triajen ran neonatal ba ita-nia bebe (Newborn blood spot screening) Pre-screening leaflet (Tetum).pdf (

General Healthcare advice:

Do I need to keep my child off school A4 Draft 3 (
Draft Hepatitis B leaflet v 2 July (
hepb_factsheet_for_patients_A5_tet.pdf (
Stopping_smoking_made_easier_Tetum_FINAL.pdf (
Job 5 Protecting your child against flu – vaccination for your school child_TET.pdf (
Job 4 Protecting your child preschool_leaflet_TET.pdf (
Job 3 Flu is more serious than you think A3 poster_TET.pdf (
Teenage_Immunisations_07_2015_TETUM.pdf (
Immunisation (
Immunisation for babies just after first birthday_Tetum_FINAL.pdf (
Immunisation for babies up to 1 year old 06_17_TETUM_Final-title.pdf (
measles _second_booklet_Tetum.pdf (
Cervical_screening_colposcopy_edit_2_TETUM_FINAL.pdf (
Cervical_screening_best_to_take_the_test_edit_2_TETUM_FINAL.pdf (
Bowel_Screening_The_next_step_10_20_Tetum.pdf (
Bowel Screening_Instructions A4 10_20_Tetum.pdf (
Breast_Screening_Why_Called_Back_LR_01_14_TETUM_FINAL.pdf (
Take 5 Leaflet dated 05 16_Tetum_FINAL.PDF (
What to expect after your COVID vaccination Tetum 0921.pdf (

Family Planning videos:

Contraception UNFPA Timor-Leste | Ida Tolu Ida | UNFPA Timor-Leste
Implant Metodu Kontraseptivu Implant | Implant hanesan métodu kontraseptivu ne’ebé di’ak ba ita atu bele fó prevensaun ba iha isin rua durante tinan lima. BeIe inbox ami ka liga ba ami nia… | By Marie Stopes Timor-Leste | Facebook
Coil Intrauterine Device (IUD) | By Marie Stopes Timor-Leste | Facebook